
My Metaphorical Life: The Chaotic Arcade

--[ Please excuse the bad grammar, anger, jumpy structure, and stereotypes. I wrote this nearly a decade ago as a partially tongue-in-cheek rant on social media after "one of those days." It was well before I was officially diagnosed as ADHD, SPD, and OPD.  Basically, I was a mess and when I'm a mess my writing is absolute shite, but I find it entertaining nonetheless and figure someone out there might be able to relate to the angry 24-year old me that wrote it. - CMS 11.05.2018]-- Being an ADHD OCD perfectionist is exhausting.  A day in my brain living my life is like living in a busy arcade playing a never-ending half-broken whack-a-mole game.   Let's explore that... This is literally an image of what my brain feels like most days. Well done   In this half-broken nightmare of plastic animal abuser-y, you can't just tap on the moles to make them go need to thwack the shit out of them multiple times until you ...


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